Sunday, May 22, 2011

Implicit Apperception Test #2

I took a second Implicit Apperceptuion Test. This one was the gay-Straight one. I thought this one would be interesting too. My results said "Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for Straight People compared to Gay People." I thought this was fairly accurate although I do think I am more neutral, but this is probably true. I have some family that are gay and I am very open to gays so I thought it would be interesting to see what my test indicated. Again, I would highly recommend taking these tests. They are very interesting. With this test I had to again sort good and bad words and then straight and gay images or symbols and then do both at the same time.

Implicit Apperception Test

I took the Implicit Apperception Test for Fat-Thin. I had to sort words like envy, joy, and laughter into good and bad categories first. Then I had to sort pictures of fat and thin people into fat or thin. And then I had to do both at the same time. It was an interesting test and I took it because it was going to supposedly tell me if I was more favorable to fat or thin people. I would like to think I am completely neutral to either. I was absolutely shocked to find that I had a strong automatic preference for thin people. It was very interesting to see that my results came up with that thought. My results said, "Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Thin People compared to Fat People." I think this is interesting and I'm going to take another one now. I think we should all have to take some of these for class! it would be a great discussion topic and I'm glad I took it. It's making me think now if that is really true and what these results could be saying about my subconscious perhaps? It makes me ashamed to have these results though.

When it Comes to Pay, Size Matters

I read the article under the stress section about how size matters in the workplace and how it can affect your pay. It made a good point that in society today girls are supposed to be super thin and guys are supposed to be big and strong. This is reinforced through all types of media from magazines where super thin models are shown in the latest trendy clothes to movies such as Twilight where people like Taylor Lautner who plays Jacob is shown with rock hard abs. This idea of how we should look is constantly flooded into pour minds and because of this there tends to be unequal pay for people and preference for those who fit the societal image of how a person should look.

According to this article a study has shown that more obese woman especially have a hard time moving up in their career if they are over weight. This could also be partially do to self esteem and confidence issues I think. A slimmer woman who is more confident with them selves will be more outspoken and authoritative then one who is not. If a person feels they are not as pretty as others they may have confidence issues and be more shy. Also, if there's two candidates for a job that have the same credentials, the more attractive one usually wins the position. In addition to this, taller guys that are more average build tend to be paid higher whereas skinnier guys are paid less.

Stanford Prison Study and Groups

I found the Stanford Prison Study to be extremely interesting. All the videos we watched in class were super interesting and almost eerie. I would hate to have participated in that experiment. It really shows the power of the situation. It's like how you act, becomes who you are. Kinda how people say if you put your face in a weird way for a long time, it will stay that way.

I also liked the part about brainstorming in groups. We do this a lot in SADD and Student Council and just in most of my classes in general. Teachers always seem to think it works better than thinking on your own, but according to the textbook, it doesn't. Group work makes the ideas less creative and produces less ideas in general. I think brainstorming individually would work better because then you have your own mindset and aren't affected by what group members will think or say about your idea. Also, this ties in with social loafing where some group members don't do anything and let the rest of the group do all the work. This happens a lot to me and I always seem to be one of the people doing all the work in group projects.


This was one of my favorite chapters because I found it so perfectly relate able to my life. I have so much stress in my life especially now towards the end of the year with finals, and soccer season starting up and my end of the year piano exam and recital. It's a lot to deal with and this chapter pinpointed a lot of things I agree with and gave me ideas to deal with my stress.

I agree with the part that says writing in a journal can help facilitate emotional control. This really helps me if I write everything down. It's a way to organize my crazy jumble of thoughts and emotions. I also agree that stress affects the immune system. About two weeks before my huge piano exam at the University of Minnesota, where I have to go in a room with a judge for about an hour and play four songs from memory, and sightread a piece and play scales and analyze pieces and such, I got a super bad cold. I lost my voice and I had a fever. I definitely think this was due to my stress. Also, I found that exercise helps reduce my stress as well.

Flooding and Virtual Reality Exposure

This chapter was probably one of the hardest ones we've had to read so far I think, along with the disorder chapter. It was a lot to take in with all the different treatment methods and it was hard to remember because I can't relate to them. Learning about the actual disorders was easier because it was more interesting than the treatment.

The thing that I liked reading about the most was flooding and virtual reality exposure. I think this is a very effective treatment. I myself would like to try one of them sometime, especially the virtual reality exposure. Doing something to get me less afraid of spiders or really high heights would be interesting and scary, but cool if it worked to decrease my anxiety.

I think these treatments could be very beneficial for people as a treatment especially if you have a fear of flying because that's hard to simulate that exposure in real life. Virtual reality would be very effective in treating this fear and I know a lot of people who have a fear of flying, so it would be very helpful.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Treatment of Agoraphobia

To treat agoraphobia specific kinds of psychotherapy or meditation can be used. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which focuses on decreasing negative or anxiety-provoking thoughts has been found highly effective in treating this disorder.

Self exposure is also used for treatment. The person with the disorder either imagines, or puts themselves into situations that cause agoraphobic anxiety. They then use relaxation techniques in each situation to get over their anxiety.

Agoraphobia can also be treated with beta-blocking medications that block the effects of adrenaline on the body.

Both self exposure and psychotherapy can be done over the Internet which is good for people in rural areas.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Agoraphobia is the fear of being in a place or situation from which escape is difficult or embarrassing, or in which help is unavailable in the event of a panic attack.

Typically emerges in mid teens and usually a direct outgrowth of panic disorder.

Typical places of fear: being on a bridge, elevator or airplane, at a mall or sporting event.

Symptoms: Avoid places where panic attack could occur, usually require a companion, fear of being alone, fear of crowded places, inability to leave ones house for long periods, severe anxiety and things such as chest pains, dizziness, headaches, or fainting spells.

Lab abnormalities: None

Prevalence in population: Girls and women, low-income individuals, and middle-aged individuals have an increased risk.


Additional info:

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I really liked the part about autistic disorders in this chapter. I found it interesting and sad that one in one hundred people have an autistic disorder. That is way more than I thought! I have often heard people say that vaccines cause autism. I have heard teachers talk about the controversy behind the debate and I have heard people give speeches on it for public speaking. I think there is a third factor and not vaccines that cause autism. I think the reason autism has spiked so dramatically recently is because more people are becoming aware of the symptoms and signs of autism and more people are being diagnosed with it than before.

I also like dissociative fugue. It was really interesting to read about. One thing I find really hard when reading about all these disorders is not having my own judgments about them. It sounds really bad, but for instance when I read about dissociative fugue I was thinking oh that's just an excuse to escape from your problems. I keep finding myself coming up with these horrible remarks to these various disorders and I think it is because I find it so very hard to relate to them without having experienced them myself.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Exam 3 Reflection

I was very happy with my score on exam three. It was my best score yet. Oddly though, this was the test I felt the least prepared for. I procrastinated so much of these chapters until the three days before the test. I reread/read parts for the first time with all the chapters, finished lectures, studied the study guides and took practice quizzes all in three nights. It was really hard because I would literally come home from school and quick do my homework and spend the rest of the night studying for psych. It got really frustrating and stressful, but I guess it was worth it to pull off a good grade on the test. I did come in for the morning review which helped a lot, but I didn't have a study group before the test like I usually do because I didn't have time.
I learned a lot from these sections and because I tried to connect everything I read to some experience or example in my own life and I really think it helped me to remember the information better. Also, the little game thing we played in class with the definitions of the words on the cards was extremely helpful to me. Quizzing myself like that is one of the best ways I learn, so thanks for having us do that!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Field Day Reflection

I really really loved the field day. I thought it was so fun to see the University campus and experience a little piece of college life. The lectures were interesting and the student panel was cool. My favorite part was our lunch break! Collin, Kristen and I walked to Dinkytown with Collin's brother and ate at this super cool pizza place called La Mesa. They have all these weird and crazy pizzas like macaroni pizza and pizza with french fries on it and potatoes and honey mustard and all these weird things that sound really gross at first, but are insanely good! At first Kristen and I wanted just like peperoni, but then we decided to just point at a random slice of pizza that looked good and just eat it and it turned out to be so good! After that we walked down to this cool frozen yogurt place and got that and walked round a bit and went back to the lecture.

I had a very..interesting...experience in the lecture after lunch! I was sitting in the lecture and about ten minutes into it I heard Claire and Sydney and everyone behind me like whispering and talking and I turned around and they were all looking at me like super funny and I was so confused so I turned back around, but they kept whispering so I turned around to them again and was like what are you all looking at? And then they proceeded to be like "Brooke don't freak out and don't move, but there's a bee in your hair" and was like oh my goodness...! Bees totally freak me out and Kari was right behind me and she's allergic to bees and I didn't want to get stung so I didn't know what to do about the situation. Kristen and I ended up leaving lecture and went walking outside where Kristen wanted to try and hit/kill the bee on my head by hitting it with my zip-up I was wearing. I was not at all okay with that idea because it probably would have stung me. I tried like running around to see if the movement would cause it to fly away, but when that didn't work we went up to this random guy who was getting his bike and asked if he knew how to handle bees. He was super nice and friendly and got the bee out of my hair for me!! I was so grateful to him and that experience made my day at the University so much more memorable! (:

Big Five Model

I enjoyed the part about the Big Five model in this chapter. I like but yet it bugs me how there's all these test to determine your personality type and such to help figure out what kind of person you are. One thing that bothers me about these tests and rankings, and like the questions of the ones we took in class, is that you can totally tell what is being measured in each question and what you will be rated as if you answer a certain way. Because of the predictability of the questions, I think these tests can be extremely inaccurate because people tend to pick what they would want to be more than what they really are. I have taken tests before that rates you on extroversion versus introversion. I always tend to be more introverted, but I am usually like a half and half split between the two because it always depends on the situation and whose in the scenarios and such. I feel like it's wrong for tests like these to group a person based off a few questions when there's so much more to a person than what information is gathered through the personality test! Just my little rant on personality tests! (:

Another part that caught my eye was the little part talking about how in cartoons and different shows when a person is making a decision, there will me an angel on one shoulder and a devil on another and that the angel represents the superego, the demon the id and the person is the ego. I never really understood that they stood for those and it's really interesting to note that!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Personal Space and Nonverbal Cues

I really liked this chapter because I found it to be very applicable to my own life. I thought the part about personal space was really true and I liked how it mentioned how you can go into an empty movie theater and how if someone else comes in they always tend to sit right by you and it always annoys you and how this can be addressed through proxemics. I have had this happen to me when me and mom have gone to a movie like right after school or just some random time when she's of work and we will be the only ones in the theater and then someone else will come in and sit right in front of us. And I'm always like really? You couldn't at least move down a few seats so I can put my feet up? It just always seems so rude and I never get it.

I also liked the part about nonverbal cues because it is very true that you can tell a lot about someone through their body language. Nonverbal cues tend to be very universal as well. If someone has their arms crossed they look uncomfortable or shy and closed in on themselves. If someone is biting their lip they seem nervous. This applies with many different nonverbals and helps to figure out how a person is feeling.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Premature Babies

I really liked the small part in this chapter about premature babies. It says that they are underdeveloped and often experience serious delays in cognitive and physical development. The main reason I liked these little tidbits of information was because I was a preemie baby.

When my mom was pregnant with me she had many problems and was in the hospital a week before I was born because she couldn't eat and would constantly get sick so I wasn't getting enough nutrition and had to be feed nutrients through a tube. I was born after 35 weeks gestation through a c-section my mom had because I needed to be born or she might die. Before I was taken out she had an amniocentesis done to make sure I was ready. After I was born I stayed in the hospital for 19 days with my mom. She had to recover from her pregnancy and I only had to really stay a week, but they decided to hold me longer because my dad didn't know how to take care of a baby yet. Since I was about a month early it's interesting to look at the pictures of fetal development that the book has. It shows how developed my brain was and such when I was born. I don't believe I had any of the cognitive or physical development delays, but that is probably because I wasn't a very premature baby, only slightly. Also, the doctors probably kept me to make sure I was developed enough before they let me go.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The ACT and IQ Tests

I liked the part in this chapter about college admission tests such as the ACT and SAT and if they really predict academic success in college. Recently, I have been looking into colleges myself and seeing what types of academic scholarships I could receive. The part that always frustrates me is the fact that the majority of the scholarships are based primarily on my SAT or ACT score and GPA doesn't pay a huge part in it. This is so frustrating to me because I think GPA would be a much better predictor in college success and smarts then one test you take for 5 hours. The book says that tests such as the ACT and SAT sometimes do predict college GPA success, but other times they do not.

Another section that interested me was about the commonly used IQ tests for adults like the WAIS-IV. I have never taken an IQ test before, but after reading this chapter it really makes me want to because I think It would be very interesting to see what I would get.

Also, on a little side note, my mom's friend Sue is a adult physiologist who I met and talked to about her job a few days ago. She said that she had been in the practice for 20 years and got so burned out with it and was constantly stressed that she stopped doing it and now works at Pier One as a type of stress reliever, easy job, where she still can have some sort of small income. I thought it was interesting because my mom always used to talk about how I should be a child psychologist and after talking to Sue I really don't think I would want to. She loved her job and all, don't get me wrong, it's not like a bad job at all. She said it was very interesting and rewarding at times, but yet she stressed the fact that it was so hard hearing about so many peoples problems all the time and that she would constantly think about them outside of work and that they would just weigh her down at times.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Smartest Person I Know

This person I know is extremely smart in many different ways. She had a 4.0 in high school and is doing amazing in college. She aspires to be a plastic surgeon someday. She has always had good grades and has been good in school her whole life and was in national honor society and academic clubs like that. She was also smart with who she picked as friends and always made good choices to do the right things.

The theory of intelligence that best explains her smarts is the Triarchic Theory. This theory proposes three kinds of intelligence: analytical, practical, and creative.

This applies to her because she has a very high analytical intelligence with her grades and through school. She also has a fairly high creative intelligence and can think about situations in different ways. But one thing that she often tends to lack is practical intelligence or in other words, "street smarts". She doesn't always understand others well and is naive about basic social principles that others are more aware about.

Exam 2

Exam two went better than my first exam. I think this was because I knew what to expect from the tests more. Also, I think I did better on this second test because the material was easier for me to understand and was more interesting to me and I tended to understand and relate to it more where as with exam one, the material was harder to relate to. One thing I did again that worked really well was to have a study review session. I also retook the quizzes many times which is the best way to study for these exams I think. They really help me a lot because if I get one wrong on the quiz then I go back and make sure I understand that part of the chapter well. Overall, I found these chapters in general to be more interesting then the previous chapters. I really enjoyed the chapter on dreaming and the parts about reinforcements and classical conditioning because you could relate those to real life. I found it interesting how stuff from the previous chapters like heuristics came up again and I have a feeling they probably will continue to come up in later chapters as well.

One thing I really need to work on is my lecture notes. I print off all the power points so I always feel like I don't have to take notes at the time, but then when I go back later and look at the lecture I find that parts of it don't make sense and I always wish I had written some note by it to help explain it to me later when the lecture isn't fresh in my mind.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Language in Children

I found the part in this chapter about how children learn and develop language to be extremely interesting. One reason I found it interesting was because it talks about how fetuses can learn some language, stories, and the sound of their mothers voice. My friend is currently pregnant and I know they read stories to the baby and stuff and I know one of my moms friends spoke Spanish and English to her baby before it was born so that it would come out and supposedly would be able to speak Spanish and English easily since she is Mexican and her husband is white. Also, in the movie Baby Mama she has her baby listen to Spanish tapes because it supposedly worked. I always thought it was funny seeing my friend, and family members talking to their baby and stuff and how they actually thought it helped with their learning to talk, but now I know it actually does help.

Also, my moms friend's kid whose mom is Mexican and dad is Caucasian is now around two years old and is learning both English and Spanish. He calls some words by their Spanish names and some by English names which is funny to hear. For instance he calls a cookie a cookie, but he calls water agua. I think it will be interesting to see how this plays out because I can imagine it will be difficult for him to keep both languages straight when he is younger and doesn't fully understand it all yet, but it is good he is learning both when he is younger because language is easier to learn when you are young. My cousin Natalie is also trying to learn English as well as Spanish. She is like four or five and is in a Spanish immersion school where she is learning Spanish and English. She is picking it up really fast and sometimes knows words in Spanish that I don't know yet, even though I am much older than her and am taking Spanish classes.

Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonic devices are very valuable in my life because I use them all the time when I am playing piano. When I first started taking lessons I learned the "Every Good Boy Does Fine" mnemonic to remember the notes on the lines and the "In the space spells a FACE" to remember the notes in the spaces. Now as I've gotten older and have to take theory tests I use the mnemonic device of "Fat Cats Go Down Alleys Eating Birds" to know the sharps in a key of music which is F, C, G, D, A, E, B. For instance, in the key of G Major I know there is one sharp and it is F sharp because I take the key, in this case being G, and go down two words, so down to "Fat", which is F, and so F and everything to the left of it would be my sharps, but since F is the last letter, there are no other sharps. Another example is for the key of A Major I would have a F, C and G sharp. I simply take A and go down two steps to G and then C and F are to the left of G so I have G, C, and F sharps. You may be wondering what happens for C and F because you can't move down two steps from them. Well, C has no sharps, so it does work, and F is a key with flats, not sharps, so a different mnemonic device is used.

Another time I used mnemonics was for my biology class when we learned "King Henry Died While Drinking Chocolate Milk". This was used to memorize Kilo, Hecto, Deca, Whole (grams), Deci, Centi, Milli. It worked really good and I still remember it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Training My Dog

I found the part about schedules of reinforcement and about animal training in the chapter relate to my life. Me and my mom have recently been trying to train my dog Bosco to do basic tricks like sit and shake and lay down and roll over and every time he does the trick right we give him a little treat as a positive reinforcement. I find it interesting that the book says to only give the dog a treat some of the time. This does seem true though because unless Bosco knows we have a treat for him, he rarely will do the trick we want him to because he knows there's no reward. If we used partial reinforcement, he would be more likely to do his tricks all the time. Before reading this from the book my cousin told me about partial reinforcement at Christmas because he just got a dog and was showing us all the cool tricks his dog could do and told us how he was training his dog and such. We all thought it was silly to only give the dog a treat some of the time, but it makes sense now and I believe him after reading it in the book. We also watched a video on clicker training and talked about it in class and just a few weeks ago we watched one of my other cousin's dogs for them when they went out of town for the weekend and they gave us a clicker that had a "bad" noise and a "good" noise for their dog Murphy. I thought it was so random and weird that they wanted us to use it on him, like when he barked we were supposed to give him the "bad" noise and when he did something good then we gave him the "good" noise. I was really surprised to find that it worked amazingly well. Whenever he was barking a lot we would simply pressed the bad noise and he would immediately stop.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Deja Vu and Hypnosis

I found the part in this chapter about deja vu to be very interesting. I'm one of those people who always experiences this. I will be like talking to my friend or something and all the sudden I'm like "Oh my goodness! this is totally deja vu!" It also reminded me of the movie deja vu that I had seen. I find it interesting that there's no real exact reason why we have moments of deja vu. I wish this part of the chapter was longer.

Another part that I liked was the part about hypnosis because we had one come to our school for one of the snowball or homecoming weeks recently. One of my friends got hypnotized and she was convinced that all the silly things the guy made her do were real and that she could not recall doing them. She said she was in a trance and that it worked. I on the other hand, being the skeptic I am, was completely unconvinced of this and believed that she was aware of what was going on and was just going along with it to make people laugh and to fit in. After reading the part of hypnosis I know that really people are aware of their surroundings when they undergo hypnosis. Also, it said that people undergoing hypnosis on stage "feel compelled to do outlandish things because they're under intense pressure to entertain a certain audience". This is exactly what I thought too.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Exam One Reflection

I was fairly happy with my results from exam one. I was very stressed out prior to taking this exam because I did not know what to expect, but know that I do, I think I can better prepare for the next exam. One thing I am going to change is my reading habits, I tended to just skim the chapters and then had to read them all the week before our exam which put a lot of stress on me. One thing I found to work good was a study group. Collin grove, Kristen Adams and I got together Friday night and quizzed each other and went through memory tricks to remember certain things. On Saturday Kristina Worm, who already took the class, quizzed Kristen Adams and I again which was very helpful too. I will definitely use a study group again for the next test. I plan to try and learn stuff more spaced out and as we go instead of cramming more at the end. I am learning a lot through this class already and I notice that when my mom or someone will say things sometimes I find my self being like "Oh, that's confirmation bias" and stuff like that, which I find very cool. (: I am working to improve on staying focused when I watch lecture at home and take breaks half way through them. For the most part, I will continue to keep doing what I have been doing so far in this class.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Subliminal Persuasion and ESP

I really found the part of subliminal persuasion to be very interesting because in health class last year we talked about it and our teacher showed us a video where it was used and had us see if we could spot the images that were flashed in the video really quickly. None of us had seen anything so he proceeded to go through the video and make it stop at the exact part where the message was being shown so we could see it was actually there because we didn't believe him. I think it is very interesting how people used to do this because when you first think of it, it actually seems like a really good idea. Problem is, it doesn't really work, most likely, because it is an extraordinary claim and there is no scientific support to prove that subliminal messaging works.

Another part I found to be interesting was the ESP trick where we had to pick a card and then read on and the book guessed which card you picked and the book got the card I guessed right. The trick totally got me at first. Once I saw that they had taken out my card from the second set like they said they would I went back and looked at the original set and was like, "okay did I pick the most obvious card for some reason?", but then I picked a different card and noticed it wasn't there in the second set either and that the first card I picked still wasn't there either and then I looked at the explanation for it and felt really dumb :) but this just goes to show unintentional blindness in a way because I was so focused on my one card that I didn't even look at the others and realize that all the cards in the second set were different from the ones in the first.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Stem Cells and Adoption Studies

One part in this chapter that I found interesting was the part about how much of our brain we use. I had always heard that we only use 10 percent of our brain, which, according to this book, is a myth! I had seriously always believed that to be a fact that we only use 10 percent of our brain, so it is shocking to me that really every part of our brain has a purpose and function and that we use most or all of our brain capacity all the time. Another part I found interesting was the part about stem cells because I had heard about stem cell research and all the new advances and debate with using them and researching them so I found it interesting to know more about them and their functions. I think it's very cool that we can turn these cells into specialized cells of our choosing in order to benefit and treat people. I think there are many great medical advancements that can made by using this amazing technology.

Also, I liked the part about Adoption Studies because I know a lot of people who are adopted or who have adopted children. I agree with this book that while genetics to play a role in shaping someone, environment and how someone is raised can have a huge affect on what genes stay prominent and how the child is. I think sometimes people rely to much on genes for if they aren't getting good grades or something they will just say, "Oh it's genetics" and blame the problem on genes, when really genes only have a small influence on things and there are many other factors in affect.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Naturalistic Observation

One topic in chapter two that I found very relatable to my own experiences was the part on naturalistic observation. I realized that I do this a lot. I love to sit and observe people and see what they do in situations and just watch them. My friends have often pointed out to me that I have a tendency to stare and people and are constantly like, "Brooke stop staring. Those people are going to think you're creepy". I always just laugh and brush it off because I know they don't mean anything by it, and they know it's just how I am. I always have just been fascinated to watch people, because by observing how two people interact with each other you can get an interesting insight into their personality and what they are thinking. You often tend to see little nonverbal actions and things that the person they are talking to doesn't notice.

Another part I liked in this chapter was the part about representativeness heuristic. This is incredibly true because we tend to base things of first impressions and stereotypes when we don't know a person well or we meet them for the first time. This again reminds me of how at Youth in Government I met a girl named Kara on the first day and right away I thought she was probably nerdy like a vast majority of the kids who go there. She seemed quite and I automatically founding myself making all these assumptions about her based purely on the fact that she was in Youth in Government. I then thankfully got to know her and found she was a very fun and outgoing person who was really involved with swimming. This was completely contrary to the introverted nerd stereotype I put her in originally. This is just one example of the many times I uses representative heuristic in my daily life.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Challenges of Psychology

I found Chapter 1 to be a very good base for psychology. One thing I found very interesting was the fifth challenge of psychology, which is that people's behavior is shaped by culture. The text explains this with the example of the difference in how European Americans and Asian Americans look at pictures. I have also noticed how cultures shape peoples behavior and the ideas and thoughts that they have. I experienced this in January when I attended Youth In Government. While I was there, I was in a program area called National Issues Forum, where we discussed national and international issues and debated and proposed ideas and ways to solve these problems. In our group we had a lot of foreign exchange students that were from Asian countries who came to study in America and go to college in America. What I noticed was that their ideas were often different then the rest of ours and that for certain issues dealing with immigration, education, and even health care, they had different thoughts and feelings. Another thing that was interesting was their way of questioning. They had some of the most deep and well thought out personal questions of anyone there.

I also liked the challenge about how people differ from each other in thinking, emotion, personality, and behavior and that people respond in different ways to the same situation. I related this to soccer because our coach has to approach different players in different ways based on how they think the player will respond. Like for some players my coach can be super blunt and criticize them straight out, while with other players who take it more offensively my coach has to tone down the criticism and approach the situation differently.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

CIS Psy1001 Introductory Questions

I have a personal strength of being persistent and hardworking. I put my best effort into everything I do. These strengths will help me to accomplish my academic goals for this class because, by using these skills, I can get through the hard course work and be successful in this challenging class. I can best tap into these strengths by using them to my advantage and by staying positive and optimistic about the assignments. Although I have these strengths, I need to manage my time better in order to be successful. I need to plan a schedule ahead of time to ensure that I do not procrastinate on any of my work. I have taken a C.I.S. Public Speaking class last semester and I have learned a great deal about time management throughout it. I learned that I am solely responsible for planning and organizing my time so I do not cram homework in the night before it is do. I have also learned that by pacing and spreading out my work load I relieve stress.