Sunday, April 17, 2011

Premature Babies

I really liked the small part in this chapter about premature babies. It says that they are underdeveloped and often experience serious delays in cognitive and physical development. The main reason I liked these little tidbits of information was because I was a preemie baby.

When my mom was pregnant with me she had many problems and was in the hospital a week before I was born because she couldn't eat and would constantly get sick so I wasn't getting enough nutrition and had to be feed nutrients through a tube. I was born after 35 weeks gestation through a c-section my mom had because I needed to be born or she might die. Before I was taken out she had an amniocentesis done to make sure I was ready. After I was born I stayed in the hospital for 19 days with my mom. She had to recover from her pregnancy and I only had to really stay a week, but they decided to hold me longer because my dad didn't know how to take care of a baby yet. Since I was about a month early it's interesting to look at the pictures of fetal development that the book has. It shows how developed my brain was and such when I was born. I don't believe I had any of the cognitive or physical development delays, but that is probably because I wasn't a very premature baby, only slightly. Also, the doctors probably kept me to make sure I was developed enough before they let me go.

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