Saturday, May 7, 2011

Exam 3 Reflection

I was very happy with my score on exam three. It was my best score yet. Oddly though, this was the test I felt the least prepared for. I procrastinated so much of these chapters until the three days before the test. I reread/read parts for the first time with all the chapters, finished lectures, studied the study guides and took practice quizzes all in three nights. It was really hard because I would literally come home from school and quick do my homework and spend the rest of the night studying for psych. It got really frustrating and stressful, but I guess it was worth it to pull off a good grade on the test. I did come in for the morning review which helped a lot, but I didn't have a study group before the test like I usually do because I didn't have time.
I learned a lot from these sections and because I tried to connect everything I read to some experience or example in my own life and I really think it helped me to remember the information better. Also, the little game thing we played in class with the definitions of the words on the cards was extremely helpful to me. Quizzing myself like that is one of the best ways I learn, so thanks for having us do that!

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