Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Subliminal Persuasion and ESP

I really found the part of subliminal persuasion to be very interesting because in health class last year we talked about it and our teacher showed us a video where it was used and had us see if we could spot the images that were flashed in the video really quickly. None of us had seen anything so he proceeded to go through the video and make it stop at the exact part where the message was being shown so we could see it was actually there because we didn't believe him. I think it is very interesting how people used to do this because when you first think of it, it actually seems like a really good idea. Problem is, it doesn't really work, most likely, because it is an extraordinary claim and there is no scientific support to prove that subliminal messaging works.

Another part I found to be interesting was the ESP trick where we had to pick a card and then read on and the book guessed which card you picked and the book got the card I guessed right. The trick totally got me at first. Once I saw that they had taken out my card from the second set like they said they would I went back and looked at the original set and was like, "okay did I pick the most obvious card for some reason?", but then I picked a different card and noticed it wasn't there in the second set either and that the first card I picked still wasn't there either and then I looked at the explanation for it and felt really dumb :) but this just goes to show unintentional blindness in a way because I was so focused on my one card that I didn't even look at the others and realize that all the cards in the second set were different from the ones in the first.

1 comment:

  1. I found the ESP part to be really interesting to! Mainly because I fell for the same trick and felt just as stupid. (: I also was able to relate it to my life because my uncle always did card tricks with me when I was little and I was always amazed at how he knew what one I picked, everytime! He never ended up telling me how he did it, but after reading this chapter I'm assuming it probably had something to do with inattentional blindness!
