Monday, April 4, 2011

Smartest Person I Know

This person I know is extremely smart in many different ways. She had a 4.0 in high school and is doing amazing in college. She aspires to be a plastic surgeon someday. She has always had good grades and has been good in school her whole life and was in national honor society and academic clubs like that. She was also smart with who she picked as friends and always made good choices to do the right things.

The theory of intelligence that best explains her smarts is the Triarchic Theory. This theory proposes three kinds of intelligence: analytical, practical, and creative.

This applies to her because she has a very high analytical intelligence with her grades and through school. She also has a fairly high creative intelligence and can think about situations in different ways. But one thing that she often tends to lack is practical intelligence or in other words, "street smarts". She doesn't always understand others well and is naive about basic social principles that others are more aware about.

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