Sunday, February 20, 2011

Stem Cells and Adoption Studies

One part in this chapter that I found interesting was the part about how much of our brain we use. I had always heard that we only use 10 percent of our brain, which, according to this book, is a myth! I had seriously always believed that to be a fact that we only use 10 percent of our brain, so it is shocking to me that really every part of our brain has a purpose and function and that we use most or all of our brain capacity all the time. Another part I found interesting was the part about stem cells because I had heard about stem cell research and all the new advances and debate with using them and researching them so I found it interesting to know more about them and their functions. I think it's very cool that we can turn these cells into specialized cells of our choosing in order to benefit and treat people. I think there are many great medical advancements that can made by using this amazing technology.

Also, I liked the part about Adoption Studies because I know a lot of people who are adopted or who have adopted children. I agree with this book that while genetics to play a role in shaping someone, environment and how someone is raised can have a huge affect on what genes stay prominent and how the child is. I think sometimes people rely to much on genes for if they aren't getting good grades or something they will just say, "Oh it's genetics" and blame the problem on genes, when really genes only have a small influence on things and there are many other factors in affect.

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