Sunday, February 13, 2011

Naturalistic Observation

One topic in chapter two that I found very relatable to my own experiences was the part on naturalistic observation. I realized that I do this a lot. I love to sit and observe people and see what they do in situations and just watch them. My friends have often pointed out to me that I have a tendency to stare and people and are constantly like, "Brooke stop staring. Those people are going to think you're creepy". I always just laugh and brush it off because I know they don't mean anything by it, and they know it's just how I am. I always have just been fascinated to watch people, because by observing how two people interact with each other you can get an interesting insight into their personality and what they are thinking. You often tend to see little nonverbal actions and things that the person they are talking to doesn't notice.

Another part I liked in this chapter was the part about representativeness heuristic. This is incredibly true because we tend to base things of first impressions and stereotypes when we don't know a person well or we meet them for the first time. This again reminds me of how at Youth in Government I met a girl named Kara on the first day and right away I thought she was probably nerdy like a vast majority of the kids who go there. She seemed quite and I automatically founding myself making all these assumptions about her based purely on the fact that she was in Youth in Government. I then thankfully got to know her and found she was a very fun and outgoing person who was really involved with swimming. This was completely contrary to the introverted nerd stereotype I put her in originally. This is just one example of the many times I uses representative heuristic in my daily life.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the part about using representativeness heuristics in this chapter because it’s something I could relate to in my life like you did. I try not to base things off my first impression, but I always do still. One of my examples of using a representative heuristic was with a team mate of mine in volleyball. I thought she would be very cocky and mean towards me because of her skill level... the best player in the state! However, after I became part of her team she was the totally opposite. She was very fun to be with, nice and supportive and most of all, very immature (: haha but in a fun way which made her so likeable to be around. Today I still find it very funny whenever I talk with her and am like "wow, I was afraid of you!" I’m really happy I got the chance to get to know her more and make my representative heuristic be proven wrong.
