Monday, April 4, 2011

Exam 2

Exam two went better than my first exam. I think this was because I knew what to expect from the tests more. Also, I think I did better on this second test because the material was easier for me to understand and was more interesting to me and I tended to understand and relate to it more where as with exam one, the material was harder to relate to. One thing I did again that worked really well was to have a study review session. I also retook the quizzes many times which is the best way to study for these exams I think. They really help me a lot because if I get one wrong on the quiz then I go back and make sure I understand that part of the chapter well. Overall, I found these chapters in general to be more interesting then the previous chapters. I really enjoyed the chapter on dreaming and the parts about reinforcements and classical conditioning because you could relate those to real life. I found it interesting how stuff from the previous chapters like heuristics came up again and I have a feeling they probably will continue to come up in later chapters as well.

One thing I really need to work on is my lecture notes. I print off all the power points so I always feel like I don't have to take notes at the time, but then when I go back later and look at the lecture I find that parts of it don't make sense and I always wish I had written some note by it to help explain it to me later when the lecture isn't fresh in my mind.

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